Monday, June 22, 2009

How to make work the third party software in nokia 7210 supernova

many of us find the problem with nokia 7210 supernova, third party software like opera, teashark and other does'nt work. But i too find the problem but after a long study over the same issue i got it in working state. If you want to let them work.
-> The very first step is enable the GPRS from the operator.
-> Then some setting comes to you by the operator save them.
-> Try to run by those settings by making the pregerred access point the gprs connection and access point as wap.
-> If this does'nt work then dont disappoint at all. go to the connection.
-> Then go to personal config.
-> use the mannual settings provided by your user. As i m using the BSNL connection so i move to the bsbl web then find the settings there. you can find your settings on the web also.
-> While typing the setting make proxy allow enable. and then type the other.
-> after typing all required settings like WAP,GPRS,MMs,etc. make default the settings wap.
and portal in access point.
-> try to run the applications they will most probably work if does'nt contact me i will try to help you.

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